Le comité de direction

Fatma Bchini Présidente
Sahbani Karima Secrétaire Générale
Hachem Sghiri Trésorier
Ouiem Chettaoui Babba Membre


Marzougui Ala Membre
Zakaria Hechmi Membre

Comité de Conseil International-CCI / International Advisory Committee-IAC

Alaa Talbi

Laboratoire « Histoire des Économies et des Sociétés Méditerranéennes ». Université 9 avril, Historien, Tunis, Tunisie. Email : alaa.talbi1@gmail.com

Amine Slim
Banque Nationale de Gênes - BNG. Chercheur agronome, Tunis, Tunisie. Email : amine_slim_inat@yahoo.fr
Angela Joya

Institute of Political Economy, Carleton University. New book: The Roots of Revolt. Ottawa, Canada. Email : angelajoya@yahoo.ca

Azza Chaabouni
Institut Supérieur des Etudes Appliquées en Humanités du Kef. Enseignante-chercheuse en cinéma et audiovisuel, Tunis, Tunisie. Email : azza.chaabouni.pro@gmail.com
Corinna Mullin
Politicologue. City University of New York (CUNY) Email : mullinrc@newschool.edu, corinna.mullin@googlemail.com
Freedom Mazwi
Sam Moyo African Institute for Agrarian Studies (SMAIAS). Land and Agrarian Studies, Harare, Zimbabwe. Email : fmazwi@gmail.com
Karima Direche
National Center of Scientific Research. Historienne, Aix En Provence, France. Email : karima.direche@gmail.com, direche@mmsh.univ-aix.fr
Mabrouka Mbarek
Research fellow with the Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity. Sociology & Political Economy, Tunis/USA, Tunisie/USA. Email : mabrouka.mbarek@gmail.com  
Max Ajl
Researcher at the Tunisian Observatory for Food Sovereignty and the Environment - OSAE. Development Sociology, Tunis. Email : max.ajl@gmail.com
Mohamed Mahdi
École Nationale d’Agriculture de Meknès/Association Targa-Aide, Rabat. Sociologue, Meknès, Maroc. Email : aitmahdi@gmail.com
Raymond Bush
Leeds University. Political Economy, Leeds, UK. Email : r.c.bush@leeds.ac.uk
Saad Dagher
Palestine Center for Agroécologie (PaCA) & Palesinian Agroecologigical Forum. Agronomist Agro-Ecologist, West Bank of Palestine, Palesine. Email : saaddagher@gmail.com
Salma Jrad
OXFAM. Droit International, Tunis, Tunisie. Email : salmajrad@gmail.com
Sami Zemni
Gent University. Sc. Politique, Ghent/Tunis, Belgique/Tunisie. Email : sami.zemni@ugent.be
Samia Mouelhi
Institut Supérieur des Sciences Biologiques Appliquées de Tunis. Ecologie et Environnement, Tunis, Tunisie. Email : samia.mouelhi@yahoo.fr
Soraya El kahlaoui
Gent University. Sociologue, Ghent/Casa, Maroc/Belgique. Email : sorayaelkahlaoui@gmail.com, soraya.elkahlaoui@ugent.be
Soumaya Mestiri
University 9 Avril. Philosophe, Tunis, Tunisie. Email : soumaya_mestiri@yahoo.fr

Collaborateurs permanents

Ernest Riva Documentariste photo/vidéo, Responsable de la communication.
Soumaya Chebbi Chargée d’administration

Chercheurs associés

Chercheurs seniors


Ray Bush Chercheux senior
I work on the political economy of Africa and the Near East and have worked in and on more than 10 countries in the Global South. I have had visiting research appointments at the Norwegian Nobel Institute, Oslo and the Social Science Research Centre, American University in Cairo. I am on the advisory board of the Tunis based NGO Observatoire de la Souveraineté et de l'Environnement (OSAE) and I am a member of the Editorial Working Group of the Review of African Political Economy where I have worked for more than 35 years. In 2017-2018, I am helping convene three meetings of academics and activists in Accra, Dar es Salaam and Johannesburg on Radical Transformation in Africa. I am a jurist for the African Studies Association UK book prize 2018 and I am on the International Advisory Board of the Journal of Agrarian Change. I am also founding member of Thimar the Beirut based research collective on agriculture, environment and labour in the Arab world. In 2013 I was one of five appointed by the UN's FAO to write a profile of ‘Family Farming in the Near East and North Africa’ marking the UN's year of family farming. Read more:https://essl.leeds.ac.uk/politics/staff/65/professor-ray-bush
Soraya El Kahlaoui Chercheuse senior


Max Ajl Chercheur senior
Max Ajl has a PhD from Cornell in Development Sociology, and works on southern theories of development and dependency, especially in the agrarian sector, and the national liberation struggle and post-colonial planning in Tunisia. His work has been published in Journal of Peasant Studies and Review of African Political Economy and he is an editor at Jadaliyya. His twitter is @ajl_max and his academic writings are available at: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Max_Ajl
Amira Benali Chercheuse senior
I’m a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Management, Politics, and Philosophy at Copenhagen Business School in Danemark. I’m an interdisciplinary scholar working on issues related to social justice, poverty, gender and alternative economies in the intersection of management, geography, and socio-anthropology. Drawing on Feminist, postcolonial and post-development theories, my current project focuses on the grassroot movements in Tunisia. In particular, I study the challenges and opportunities of the social and solidarity economy to adress the socioeconomic crisis and build democracy.
Sami Zemni Chercheur senior

Sami Zemni is professor in political and social sciences at the Center for Conflict and Development Studies, Ghent University (Belgium) where he coordinates and leads the Middle East and North Africa Research Group (MENARG). His area of expertise is politics within the Middle East and North Africa region, with special reference to political Islam. He focuses mainly on developments in Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, democratization in the Arab World as well as conflict in the Arab world. As a former director of the Center for Islam in Europe (CIE, 2002–2007), he has also written on issues of migration, integration, racism and Islamophobia.

Read more : https://www.ugent.be/cessmir/en/about-cessmir/promoters/sami-zemni

Koenraad Bogaert Chercheur senior

Koenraad’s research is centered around the broader question of political change in the Arab World, more specifically Morocco, in relation to globalization, neoliberal urbanization and capitalist uneven development. Other research interests are: Critical theory, social movements, revolution, governmentality, bio-politics, urban studies, class and class struggle

Read more : https://www.ugent.be/cessmir/en/about-cessmir/promoters/sami-zemni

Farouk Boula Chercheur
Farouk Boula est un jeune « chercheur » titulaire d’un Master en Sociologie du Changement et de l’Innovation (faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines-Université Moulay Ismail-Meknès). Il est intéressé par l’anthropologie juridique et environnementale de régime foncier au Maroc notamment les « terres collectives », plus récemment, il effectué une recherche sur les « terres collectives » : la parenté et ses représentations en tant que source de « légitimité » des droits : cas de la melkisation des terres collectives de Zaouia d’Ifrane Moyen Atlas-Maroc.
CV : CV_2021-02-15_Farouk_BOULA

Etudiant.e.s Doctorants ou Masters


Sara Pozzi Doctorante
I’m a Phd Candidate in Social Anthropology within the School of Social Sciences at the University of Manchester. I’m currently undertaking my fieldwork in the Zaghouan governorate of Tunisia. The data I’m collecting will constitute the basis for my  doctoral thesis. My project attempts to ethnographically explore how farming families and rural town dwellers are differently able to navigate global and local constraints, opportunities, and multiple discourses around the production and consumption of “good food” to sustain their communities. It will explore how relations between food, people, and space are influenced by global projects and affect people’s ideas of what constitutes community, town, land, and the ways to inhabit it. I contend that through observing the multiple levels of contestation around what constitutes “good food” we can better understand community desires for what constitutes good, proper living in times of uncertainty and how global projects can end up undermining or supporting rural communities practices to secure good food and a live worth living.


Fairouz Youssfi
Imane Messaoudi



Costanza Pizzo